(206) 736-5504


Promote Your Congregation's Businesses

Give your congregant businesses a platform to thrive, at no cost to them or your church.

“It’s incredibly easy to get started and get a monthly check from VillaDeus.”

Make Connections

Help your church body meet, know, and support one another

Your Marketplace will build a more connected church community. Like your own private yellow pages, where people connect, and businesses run by families in your congregation thrive.

Marketplace will help your congregation connect and deepen fellowship

Fellowship spreads beyond the walls of your church as congregants are able to connect

It’s easy to launch and use. Add it to your website/app then watch as members, and attendees add their businesses.

Marketplace is the private yellowpages for your church

Make it easy to find congregant businesses
  • Invite people to add their businesses
  • Easily review, publish and manage new listings
  • Control access so congregant information is protected
  • Make it easy for congregants to connect outside of church

Are you a business owner

learn more about joining your church Marketplace

Marketplace strengthens businesses that support families in your congregation

Help people invest in the success of fellow congregant businesses

Make it easy for your congregation to support the businesses within your church community of faith. When they choose an business that is participating in Alliance they will also be funding your church.

Below is an example of Marketplace on a church website

Embed Marketplace behind your own login or use share to control access

NewLife Church, their congregants, and the businesses they operate are fictitious

Congregants can–

Search by person or business name

Filter by category

View details for businesses and attendees

Add their own businesses

Church staff can–

Approve submitted listings

Update content

Control who
has access to your marketplace

Access and
export all data

NewLife Church, their congregants, and the businesses they operate are fictitious

See How Marketplace Will Benefit Your Congregation

Book a consultation to see the whole platform and get your free Marketplace with no obligations.

Next Steps:

Schedule your consultation

Fill out the form and we'll get back to you within 24 hours to schedule your personalized consultation.

Explore the platform

We'll set up your free Marketplace and Directory, then show you our other tools like Alliance and Giving.

Get access to free resources to ensure your success

We'll make sure launching Marketplace & Directory is a smooth and easy process they are both yours to keep and use forever with no obligation.

Privacy & security protected.


Connections are made and fellowship grows once you give your church community the opportunity to get to know each other outside of worship –talents are shared and needs are met through marketplace


An opportunity for people to meet and work with theologically aligned businesses and professionals


Empower your congregation to find and support business owners within your church community


Help businesses and the families whose livelihood depends on them